We are excited to announce that the PYP and MYP students celebrate Spirit Day on the 1st of June – on International Children’s Day.
Our staff have organized for them some exciting morning and afternoon activities. There will i.e. cooking activities, Zumba, a Talent Show, a couple of sport challenges and drama activities. We hope these activities will build a bit of Spirit in our community!
Activities are taking place in separate Live Meet sessions at Google Classroom. In the morning the students can choose a different room for some of the activities.
For the afternoon, students can pick whichever activities to do that they want. Try to do as many of these activities as you can!
Teachers will create an assignment in classrooms for the afternoon challenge. There you can tell your teacher how many points you earned and write down the activities you completed.
We are looking forward to Spirit Day and hope students will enjoy taking part in the activities!