On Tuesday March 17 at 8:15 am Wroclaw International School will be switching to an online environment. The main aims of the environment are to :
1. To continue learning via a platform that allows teachers to teach, set work, collaborate, develop independent study, assess and provide feedback.
2.. To provide support in regards to academic development and well being.
The main platform that WIS has chosen for its online learning environment is Google Classroom. Google Classroom allows for;
- class teaching to conducted via conferencing,
- collaboration between students,
- assignments to be set to deepen understanding,
- students to upload assignments
- feedback to be provided by faculty that allows for the enhancement of student learning.
Our school counsellor provides constant support to students, parents and staff. We hope that providing regular online classes and offering psychological and pedagogical support will allow us to continue effective learning and that we can support each other during this difficult time of pandemia.
Take care and stay at home!