Media source: http://wioskaindianska.wroclaw.pl/

Media source: https://forty.pl/z-lotu-ptaka/
PYP 1 – PYP 3 students go on a one day trip to Srebrna Góra to visit a famous fortress.
PYP 4 – 5 students go on a trip to Wieleń (150 km from Wrocław) to take part in many recreational events, including a trip on a pirate ship, visiting museums and participating in activities on a agroturism farm.
At the same time MYP 1 – 5 students spend their time in Wieleń too, but they take part in sport activities like classes in sailing, kayak trips, basketball and soccer games Skimboard Strategic and integration games.
We hope that all the groups will use the time to integrate, develop their social skills and independence.
Have lots of fun at the WIS Green School everyone!