If I hadn’t had that experience at WIS, I would probably not feel so secure about moving abroad
Pedro attended WIS from April 2008 to June 2009. At the moment he is studying Mechanical Engineering at Technische Universitat München (Technical University of Munich) in Germany – one of the best technical universities in Europe. As Pedro’s best memories of WIS he recalls i.e. small class sizes and constant participation of students, learning physical education with a wide perspective and visits to an orphanage, as a part of the school’s community service program, which were a very rewarding experience for him. Pedro evaluates his time at WIS:
My time in WIS introduced me to a new way of learning. When I left Brazil, I moved from a school with a quite competitive atmosphere, with many standardized exams and class projects (…). At WIS however, exams were not very frequent, because we were evaluated through different school projects and through our participation and contribution in the classes. We were encouraged to discuss properly with the other students and learned to listen to the other’s ideas, so everyone would get a chance to share their thoughts. This what quite difficult for me at first, as I was used to a level of competition, but after some time it became a very pleasant way of learning. In addition to that, I recall that many of the school projects at WIS were not just a simple research. From a Shakespearean play for Language Arts class to the electrical circuit Science project and the Glider project for Design Technology class, the students always had to discuss and find solutions themselves, which made it all more challenging, but also more interesting allowing for better learning. (…) But the most life changing fact from my time in Poland and WIS, is that it changed my way of viewing the world. It showed me that there is much more outside of that bubble we live our routine all more challenging, but also more interesting allowing for better learning (…) If I hadn’t had that experience at WIS, I would probably not feel so secure about moving abroad, therefore it is very unlikely that I would be living and studying in Germany. Pedro, you have learned from WIS and WIS have learned from you! Thank you for being a part of our community! |