The profile of a WIS learner is a description of attributes that we are trying to nurture in our students. Learner profile is common to all IB programmes and is the heart of our educational programme. Learner profile is one of the elements that helps parents decide whether they want their children to learn at our schools. It is a short interpretation of our educational philosophy and it describes personality traits of our graduates is a simple way.
Our students are:
Inquirers – curious of the world. They acquire skills necessary for inquiry and research, as well as for independent learning. They are enthusiastic about the learning itself.
Knowledgeable – they explore ideas that have global significance. By doing so, they expand their knowledge across a range of disciplines and have a better understanding of the world.
Thinkers – they exercise initiative by using critical and creative thinking skills in solving problems.
Communicators – they understand and express their thoughts and information in more than one language using different forms of communication in various contexts.
Principled – they act with integrity and honesty, have a strong sense of fairness and justice. They take responsibility for their actions and are ready to suffer the consequences.
Open-minded – they respect their own history and culture. They are open to values, traditions and points of view of others. They evaluate and learn from the experience.
Caring – they show empathy, compassion and respect for the needs and feelings of other people. They are strongly engaged in community life, acting to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Risk-takers – they approach the unknown with courage and are not afraid of challenges. They are bold and defend their opinions openly.
Balanced – they understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance in achieving well-being for themselves and others.
Reflective – they thoughtfully analyse their own learning and experience. They can evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses in order to support their learning and personal development.