The Middle Years Programme is a five-year programme for students from 11 to 16. See the attached movie to find out what are the main features of the programme.
In September 2007 Wroclaw International School started the implementation of the curricular frameworks of the Primary Years Programme and the Middle Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate.
As of May 2011 WIS was the first and only school in Poland authorized to offer both the International Baccalaurete Primary Years Programme and Middle Years Programme.
We have chosen the IB programme framework because it is based on a very attractive teaching model, the main aim of which is to help students to be active thinkers, willing to solve problems.

MYP Curricular Framework
The IBO defines the MYP as a programme for students aged 11 to 16, that provides a framework that encourages them to make connections between traditional subjects and the real world.
MYP Subjects
The IB MYP consists of eight subject groups together with a core made up of Global Contexts, Concepts, Approaches to Learning and the IB Learner Profile. In the Middle School we offer a comprehensive and balanced curriculum within these eight subject groups.
Teaching Methodology
In bringing these components together in our teaching, we seek to address the student intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
Students are assessed in a variety of ways in which they can demonstrate their understanding and learning.
Service as Action
The MYP requires students to participate in Service as Action projects. This are student created and managed initiatives.