Enrollment Procedures
Admission to WIS is based on the following considerations:
- The potential of the applicant to benefit from the educational services available.
- The capacity of the school to meet the educational needs of the applicant.
- The ability of the applicant to meet basic attendance requirements.
- Fulfillment of set financial and medical requirements.
- The effect on the class as a whole.
Children of all nationalities may seek admission to the school. Whenever it is not possible to accommodate all qualified applicants, students enrolled as of the end of the previous school year who have been able to meet the board’s financial requirements, the school’s performance goals, and attendance requirements are automatically enrolled for the following year. New applicants will be considered for admission once the application fee is received by the school. WIS class sizes are limited. The maximum number per grade level is dependent on the physical size of the classroom. At no given time will any class exceed 20 students. Children who cannot be accommodated in a particular grade will be placed on a waiting list. Parents will be contacted if space becomes available.
Enrollment requires a non-refundable Application Fee. Please contact the school office for current fees. All documents should be submitted in English (the school’s language of instruction). Translations from other languages should be notarized. Please note that placement is dependent solely on the decision of the school administration and it is non-negotiable.

3 simple steps to enroll
If you want to enroll your child to WIS, you will have to follow 3 simple steps.