“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow ”
John Dewey ”Democracy and Education” 1916.
Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Welcome to the Wroclaw International School (WIS) website. We appreciate the importance of choosing the right education for your child and whether local to the Wroclaw region or moving to Wroclaw for the first time we hope that this website can help you appreciate the educational expertise available at our school.

Learn us better!
Established in September 2002 Wroclaw International School (WIS) is the first international school in South – Western Poland. The school has grown into an exciting learning community which serves the needs of expatriates in the Lower Silesia region.

Head of School Welcome
As an IB World School we foster international mindedness and support active participation in our community by helping students gain an understanding of how their actions can have a local and global impact.

WIS as an IB World School
WIS is an IB World School. The first school in Poland authorized to deliver both the Primary Years (PYP) and Middle Years (MYP) programmes. Actually WIS offers a continuum of IB programmes.

Our educational beliefs
Our practices are guided by our school philosophy, which was revised by representatives of the WIS community during the 2008-09 academic year, and the IBO’s mission statement. Both serve as a compass for the entire school community.

WIS Programme
We encourage students to think critically and we view learning as a life long process. The IB programme framework we offer is based on an attractive teaching model, teh main aim of which is to help students to be active thinkers willing to solve problems.

WIS has facilities that make learning easier. WIS students learn in a brand new campus – Centre of International Education, which belongs to the most modern school campuses in Poland.

The teaching faculty at Wroclaw International School is experienced, certified and highly qualified. The majority of the faculty members are native speakers of English.

Are you interested in becoming a part of our vibrant international community?WIS is running the admission procedures throughout the whole school year. To enrol to WIS contact our Admission Officer.

Structure and Authorities
WIS governing body is Foundation of International Education, a Polish not-for-profit organization with public charity status. Its main tasks are international education and supporting abilities.

Development Plans
WIS has a good brand. Maintaining WIS position on the educational market and continuous development of its educational offer are the priorities of our strategic plan.
“Success happens because we work together.”
Parents play a special role in our learning community. The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) brings together parents, teachers, and others who are interested in supporting the school. Its purpose is to support learning and programs for students and promote a sense of community.