WIS is celebrating its annual Mother Tongue / Literacy Week this week. As an IB school the school encourages students, parents, and teachers to understand and appreciate the importance of culture, traditions, and history not only of own but of others as well.
The annual Mother Tongue/Literacy Week is an opportunity for the whole school community to come together and recognise importance and value of cultures and languages represented at our school.
This year’s programme is really rich:
  • class readings in mother tongue by invited parents
  • bookmark decorations
  • writting the Little Prince story
  • Mother Tongue Contest (a charity action) – each PYP student reads every night and afterwards colors a paper book. Each student is also asked to donate a small amount of money towards the Wiosna orphanage.
  • Class Door Decoration; each class decorates the door with a common theme connected with international mindedness, mother tongue, and literacy.
  • D.E.A.R – Drop Everything And Read
  • Dress up Day. This students’ fauvorite action will take place on Thursday 15.2. All students are encouraged to come to school dressed as literacy characters.
  • Reading Marathon – at the end of the week the whole school will participate in the reading marathon, reading Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery in more than 10 languages!

Happy reading!

A big thank you for Mother Tongue / Literacy Committee for preapring such a great and meaningful event!